« Réunion du 14-11-2023 » : différence entre les versions

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[12:31 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: there is also lag when one has to rezz out a whole clothing item to see what it is rather then a small preview image
[12:31 PM PT]  Lyr Lobo: I'm going to have to downsize my inventory if we offer it or become the lag beast
[12:31 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well as i said, current viewers do not have the code to update it on out inventory API
[12:31 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Yeah, but you chose to rezz it out
[12:31 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Vincent, naming things properly and using folders to help keep things organized.
[12:32 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com: Something worth doing for anything, not just inventory
[12:32 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Very true
[12:32 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: the viewer you are likely using Ubit has it
[12:32 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well im not going to repeat what i already told
[12:32 PM PT]  Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse.com:8002: hi cuga
[12:32 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: shrugs men change once a year if that, for some of us it is multiple times a day
[12:32 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: Hi, sorry late
[12:33 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Welcome, Cuga.
[12:33 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: mayve dayturn will add the missing api functions ;)
[12:33 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well tyhe api is there.. not the extra fileds
[12:33 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: nobody in opensim have huge amounts of clothes
[12:34 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: it looks to me like it has to be added server side?
[12:34 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: fields
[12:34 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yeah right  Gavin
[12:34 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: have you seen anyone where chaning clothes the last 10 years?
[12:34 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yes it wil need a lot of server side code... and DBs changes..
[12:34 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: usless if VIEWERS DO NOT USE IT!
[12:34 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: but the viewer is capable
[12:34 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: should I ask Beq?
[12:35 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Arielle, write it and submit it. We aren't going to, it is very simple
[12:35 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: no, it is something that needs to be added to core
[12:35 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: thats why i am here
[12:36 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: which is where these things are discussed
[12:36 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com: Well you be waiting a long time then.
[12:36 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: And the core doesn't think we need to add it
[12:36 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Sorry about your luck (NOT)
[12:36 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: well then is Opensim a dead project?
[12:36 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: You are free to leave
[12:36 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: I'll let everyone know
[12:36 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: and call it dea
[12:36 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: dead
[12:36 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: but that doesn't make it dead
[12:36 PM PT]  Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse.com:8002: it maybe if the voice plug is pulled
[12:37 PM PT]  Lyr Lobo: Arielle, we will have a Viewer Panel at the OpenSimulator Community Conference to discuss the viewer  and the future
[12:37 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Cliff, we have several time told you what it would take to deal with that
[12:37 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: i dont see any development from Unbits link in his profile
[12:37 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: Ubits
[12:37 PM PT]  Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse.com:8002: i realise that
[12:37 PM PT]  Lyr Lobo: It is at 12:30 pm on Saturday, December 9
[12:37 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: The difference Arielle is that opensim does not have 20  salaried developers working on server side only
[12:37 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: whose fault is that?
[12:37 PM PT]  Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse.com:8002: is why i try to think out of the box
[12:38 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Like we have told you, if you want it, write it and submit it. Just because you want it does not mean that the core developers think it is needed
[12:38 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: isnt that because  core is closed to other developers?
[12:38 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Not at all
[12:38 PM PT]  Lyr Lobo: This is an opensource project
[12:38 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Core is not paid
[12:38 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: are you core Orbert?
[12:38 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: You are welcome if you can develop
[12:38 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: No, I am not good enough, I am just learning
[12:39 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: I will contribute if and when I come up with something that works
[12:39 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: And it will be up to the others to decide
[12:39 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Arielle, You should have learned by now how development works and that it is being done by volunteers.
[12:39 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: That is how this project works
[12:39 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: good luck getting them to accept it
[12:40 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: Arielle, first I have to figure out what is really needed and what is fluff dreamed up by former Micro$haft twits at Linden
[12:40 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: so no new features for opensim?
[12:41 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: We aren't doing them just because you demand them
[12:41 PM PT]  Orbert.Tatham @hg.zetaworlds.com: We aren't doing them just because you demand them
[12:41 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: at least there is some new feature development
[12:41 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: at least there is some new feature development

Version du 15 novembre 2023 à 16:52

Changements du code de la semaine

  • changements mineurs "cosmétique" : vérification de nullité sur part.Inventory [1]


Attention : Ce résumé existe pour orienter vos recherches. Des erreurs d'interprétation ne sont pas à exclure. Pour plus de précisions, veuillez vous référer aux sources ou vous adresser directement aux développeurs d'OpenSimulator en assistant aux réunions du mardi ou sur le canal IRC

Code général

Base de données




Test unitaires

  • Xunit : Il faudra probablement attendre encore quelques semaines pour avoir un plan de bataille à ce sujet.

Projets en cours / Infos

  • Mono appartient à Microsoft (MS) et même si c'est un logiciel libre, c'est une impasse, MS l'a tué.



  • Pas de problèmes majeurs avec la dernière version ( qui date du 1er août. Hormis, des problèmes de cache qui avalent les textures ou les objets mais, qui ne sont pas lié au viewer mais plutôt aux modifications apportées par Linden Lab.
  • La version beta ajoute des modifications pour les inventaires. Cette version a supprimé les inventaires lludp pour SL mais pas pour OpenSim. Pour OpenSim seules les vignettes ne fonctionnent pas.
  • La version alpha sera une version 7.x.x
  • Il n'est pas question pour l'instant d'implémenter la nouvelle image de prévisualisation de l'inventaire dans FS pour OpenSimulator, même si cela fonction dans SL. En revanche avec la version beta il y a l'affichage de la fonctionnalité sans la prévisualisation. Les viewer actuels n'ont pas le code pour implémenter cette fonctionnalité avec l'API d'inventaire d'OpenSimulator depuis que SL est passé à AIS V3. Il faudra beaucoup de code côté serveur... et des changements dans les bases de données. Le développement d'OpenSimulator est libre et ouvert et fait par des bénévoles.(Ndrl : désolée pour les développeurs, ça m'a fait mal de voir comme on vous traite parfois et merci continuez vous êtes les meilleurs ! )

Visionneuse Second Life

  • Il semble que son développement est bloqué depuis deux ou trois semaines.


