Réunion du 12-04-2022

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Révision datée du 13 avril 2022 à 12:27 par Acryline (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Source : http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Chat_log_from_the_meeting_on_2022-04-12 =Introduction= [11:04] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : Salut MrBlue [11:04] Andrew Hellershanks : Bonjour à tous. [11:05] Meeting Chat Logger V4 : La journalisation des discussions de réunion a été activée. [11:05] Meeting Chat Logger V4 : Assurez-vous d'arrêter et d'effacer le journal à la fin de la réunion, cela créera l'archive @ https://outreach.blight.media/archive/. [11:05]... »)
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Source : http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Chat_log_from_the_meeting_on_2022-04-12


[11:04] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : Salut MrBlue

[11:04] Andrew Hellershanks : Bonjour à tous.

[11:05] Meeting Chat Logger V4 : La journalisation des discussions de réunion a été activée.

[11:05] Meeting Chat Logger V4 : Assurez-vous d'arrêter et d'effacer le journal à la fin de la réunion, cela créera l'archive @ https://outreach.blight.media/archive/.

[11:05] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002 : Salut Andrew, MB

[11:05] Meeting Chat Logger V4 : Vous pouvez voir le journalà l'adresse : https://outreach.blight.media/index.php

[11:05] Andrew Hellershanks : Heureux d'être de retour dans notre lieu de réunion habituel.

[11:05] Misterblue Waves : Bonjour à tous.

[11:05] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002 : Salut Kayaker

[11:06] Kayaker Magic : Bonjour à tous ! Le Dev Outreach est de retour !

[11:06] Misterblue Waves: /clap clap clap

[11:06] Andrew Hellershanks : Bonjour, Kayaker.

[11:07] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : C'était une sacrée panne, je suis content que ce soit réparé.

[11:07] Misterblue Waves : c'était un problème de base de données des assets ?

[11:07] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : c'est ce que j'ai lu.

[11:08] Andrew Hellershanks : Bonjour, Selby.

[11:08] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002 : ok bonjour, désolé je suis en retard lol

[11:08] Misterblue Waves : et les gens pensent qu'ils vont "résoudre" les problèmes des assets en adoptant les blockchains.... <shakes-head/>

[11:08] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002 : vraiment

[11:09] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002 : hum...

[11:09] Selby.Evans @grid.kitely.com:8002 : Bonjour à tous.

[11:09] Misterblue Waves : bonjour selby

[11:09] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002 : Salut Selby

[11:09] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002 : salut Selby.

Problème de physique et de fonctions LSL

  • llSetForce : Applique une force à l’objet contenant le script (si l’objet est physique)
  • llPushObject : Applique impulsion (direction) et impulse_ang (rotation) à l'objet cible.
  • LlApplyImpulse : Applique une impulsion à l'objet
  • BulletSim (en) : BulletSim est le module pour OpenSimulator qui crée la physique du monde virtuel en utilisant le moteur physique Bullet. Ce module fournit une physique de haute performance ainsi que des performances de véhicules physiques compatibles avec Second Life.
  • udODE : moteur physique

[11:09] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : oh MrBlue pourrait être au courant du problème de la fonction lsl sur la physique.

[11:09] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : Question intéressante sur SetForce, elle est censée appliquer une force à racine du groupe parent, qui est l'avatar essentiellement. ApplyImpulse, en revanche, applique une force uniquement à l'objet dans lequel se trouve le script. J'avais un script de mine terrestre quelque part qui vous projetait en l'air, donc appliquer une force à un avatar est possible. Je suppose qu'il n'utilise pas la bonne portée lorsqu'il est attaché.

[11:10] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : llPushObject fonctionne

[11:10] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : mais llSetForce ne fonctionne pas.

[11:10] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: hmm

[11:11] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: même chose avec bullet[1] et ubODE

[11:11] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : c'est-à-dire que cela ne fonctionne pas lorsqu'il est porté en tant qu'accessoire.

[11:11] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : PushObject appelle ApplyImpulse sur l'objet, SetForce applique juste une force sur l'objet, je suppose que c'est différent.

[11:12] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : Dois-je ouvrir un rapport de bogue à ce sujet ?

[11:12] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : L'objet de poussée peut-il déplacer les avatars ? Il semble que cela soit vérifié dans l'implémentation.

[11:13] Andrew Hellershanks : Le nom de la fonction dit objet donc je ne m'attendrais pas à ce qu'elle déplace un avatar.

[11:13] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: oui

[11:13] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : llPushObject sur un objet porté déplace l'avatar.

[11:13] Misterblue Waves : il y aurait, au moins, un tas de contrôles de permission pour pousser les avatars.

[11:13] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : mais seulement momentanément comme prévu.

[11:14] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : ce serait vraiment utile pour des choses comme les parachutes, l'anti-gravité etc...

[11:14] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : sur les avatars, cela fait AddForce

[11:14] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : Ce qui est différent de SetForce

[11:15] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : Je n'ai pas le code vs (Virtual Studio) ouvert donc je ne peux pas vérifier quelle différence cela fait.

[11:15] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : llSetForce(<0,0,0x7FFFFFFF>, 0) ne fait rien lorsque l'objet est attaché.

[11:16] Andrew Hellershanks : La page wiki de la fonction dit que l'objet doit être marqué physique.

[11:16] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: correct,

[11:16] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : oui, je l'ai rendu physique et j'ai appelé lsl pour activer la physique aussi.

[11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: ok.

[11:17] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : Dois-je ouvrir un ticket pour cela ?

[11:17] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: Hm

[11:19] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000 : je voulais vérifier ici au cas où il y aurait un problème connu ou que j'oublie quelque chose de stupide.

[11:19] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002 : La seule implémentation de SetForce est SceneObjectPart, et je ne suis pas sûr que cela inclue directement les avatars.

[11:21] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: AddForce is implemented on the physics actors so that's why that works [11:21] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: that might explain why it works on objects not worn [11:21] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: OdeCharacter has no SetForce [11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: Cuga, Yes, file a ticket. [11:22] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: ok, will do. Thanks for taking a look [11:22] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: It says AddForce is meant to set a target velocity [11:22] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: That seems odd [11:23] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: It does just add a momentary force doesn't, just pushes you up and then you fall again [11:24] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: I've used it on worn objects in Havok and it is a constant force [11:24] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: So PushObject works the way you need for say a parachute, just SetForce is meant to as well? [11:25] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: llPushObject is only momentary [11:25] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: a timer works but is bumpy and not server-friendly [11:25] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: Ah okay [11:26] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: llSetForce is supposed to be the way to get constant force [11:26] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: unless someone knows of another way [11:27] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: As in that constantly pushes you in a certain direction I presume [11:27] Misterblue Waves: I think objects just have the attribute "velocity" so adding or setting the force mostly modifies the velocity (and direction of that velocity) [11:27] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: In my case Im only applying it in the z-direction for such things as parachutes etc [11:28] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: Velocity should be absolute and directionless so it just tells how much you are moving, not where, think the return type of that is a float [11:29] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: There is a SetAcceleration in here that takes a vector input [11:29] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: it seems that would make more sense with acceleration [11:29] Misterblue Waves: absolute velocity is a float but, in the physics engines, it is a vector (direction and magnitude) [11:30] Misterblue Waves: there is some inconsistancies with the application of all the different way to change force/acceleration/direction/... [11:30] Misterblue Waves: so adding a Mantis entry would start the wider discussion about what really should be happening [11:32] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: maybe that means we need to find someone who has time to re-evaluate the force related methods and bring them all into a more unified method. ive still got my team rebuilding the whole world and viewer from scratch so i know they understand how all the pieces work together before i try putting them back on OS code [11:33] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: once they can make a viewer able to interact successfully with a very basic test world then they can try reconnecting to hg [11:33] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: well since llPushObject is working on a scripted attachment I was hoping it wouldn't be a big jump for llSetForce() [11:34] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: but I feared it might have already been implemented unless there was a bigger issue [11:34] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: I'll open a mantis [11:35] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: would this be a physics engine issue or lsl issue? [11:35] Andrew Hellershanks: Good question. [11:36] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: I'll mark mantis as a physics engine issue for now [11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: Go with physics engine. [11:36] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: make a lsl issue initially and I guess it can be changed if needed [11:37] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: I'll mark it as lsl issue, can be changed later [11:39] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: I'll fiddle around with that code a bit maybe I can get some more info on what these functions do [11:39] Andrew Hellershanks: Thanks, Vincent. [11:41] Misterblue Waves: and the different physics engines will implement things differently so be specific on which one you're using [11:43] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: I've been testing it in the different OSG sandboxes with diff physics engines, same result [11:44] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: but my grid is using bullet [11:44] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: Hm ubode implements a SetAcceleration, Bullet does not weird [11:46] Misterblue Waves: for whatever reasons, physics implementation is spread between the simulator, the c# physics code, and the underlying C++ physics code. The different implementations of the C# and C++ physics code have always done things a little differently [11:48] Andrew Hellershanks: :) [11:49] Andrew Hellershanks: We are getting close to the top of the hour. Any other topic(s) for today? [11:50] Jagga Meredith: I fixed my toilet!! [11:50] Jagga Meredith: not particularly relevant but I live a lonely life and noplace else to brag about it [11:50] Andrew Hellershanks: Good to have a working one to save you digging a hole in your backyard. :) [11:52] Misterblue Waves: I hate working on toilets. Here in the US we have flappers and leaks. I would like the European solution that seems to be reliable enough to embed in the wall [11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: Not a lot to report regarding changes to the OpenSim code. this past week. There was a fair number of commits but most of them appear to be related to code cleanup. [11:52] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: lol glad its fixed jaggaa [11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: There were some changes to the simulatorFeatures cap. [11:52] Misterblue Waves: and I have been tweaking on PreBuild to allow it to process projects in "netstandard2_0" and "net6" [11:52] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: had to do that myself a time or 2\ [11:53] Andrew Hellershanks: Another texture was added that is used by eep. [11:53] Misterblue Waves: someday the simulator will be updated to the newer build systems [11:54] Andrew Hellershanks: There was also one minor bug fix to osParcelSubdivide. It won't do anything if there isn't a match to the entire original parcel. [11:55] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: misterblue - now youve gotme thinking of nickleback - "someday, somehow" [11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: Not quite sure what that is meant to say. [11:55] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: newer code bases maybe? or new physis engines? [11:56] Andrew Hellershanks: Someday, somehow, somewhere reminds me of another song. Looking it up it is from West Side Story. [11:56] Andrew Hellershanks: I'd like to see the viewer use a newer build system. [11:56] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: There is also Somewhere Over the Rainbow [11:56] Misterblue Waves: it is true that such a project is probably big enough that it will probably never happen... but I want to keep my hopes up [11:57] Andrew Hellershanks: The main OS code base uses a simple build system by comparison to that used in the viewer. [11:57] Misterblue Waves: I'm using the new build frameworks for addon_modules and not changing the simulator proper [11:57] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: lol [11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: Any news about the physics engine or viewer worth mentioning before we wrap up todays meeting? [12:00] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: LL is working on a completely new cap for profiles [12:00] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: not here [12:00] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: not sure what it means for viewer compatibility quite yet [12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: That could have an impact on the profile modules. [12:01] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: I am also nearing the point with my rework where I will fork it and add back the opensim code [12:01] Misterblue Waves is unsure about the relationship between LL and the third-party viewers [12:01] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: absolutely will impact profiles [12:01] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: 98% of the code in the TPV is LL code [12:01] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: inseparable [12:02] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: Can you add the pushobject method to the mantis so I got something to test against [12:02] Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds.com:8002: Cause I am not getting any movement out of it [12:02] Andrew Hellershanks: Gavin, has LL said anything about what they have in mind for profiles? [12:02] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: The bulk of TPV code is UI modding [12:03] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: they are re-implementing the classic profiles, but served via a cap [12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, ty [12:03] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: the classic profiles in the current viewers are primarily FS code [12:04] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: so they are doing away with that [12:05] Misterblue Waves: i'm off. take care all!! [12:05] Gavin.Hird @grid.xmir.org:8002: have a good one [12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Misterblue. Thanks for being here. [12:05] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: tc mrblue gtsy [12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: You picked a good day as there was some physics related questions [12:05] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: im heading out too, got to get back on the road to the office [12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Michael. Thanks for being here. [12:05] Michael.Christopher @cc.opensimulator.org:8002: hasve a great week and tty soon!\ [12:06] Andrew Hellershanks: We are just past the top of the hour. If there is nothing more for today I will wrap up todays meeting. [12:06] Cuga.Rajal @rajal.org:9000: I'm heading out too.. Take care all! [12:06] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Cuga. [12:06] Kayaker Magic: Yeah, RL is calling me also [12:06] Andrew Hellershanks: With people needing to go I will call this meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming. See you again next week.